So, why does there have to be drama in my life? Drama that I have not created? Drama that I would like to avoid, but that would put me among the masses of people who live in denial about whatever they're denying? I don't want to deny the dramatic events in my life, I just prefer they weren't there. Here I am, minding my own business, trying to live as straightforwardly and authentically as possible, and people are tossing me drama that makes me stop and find my quiet place and think about what I want and the role they might play in my life and...and... I was so happy in my complacent state. Gosh. I think I just answered my own question.
i'm glad you answered your own question because i have absolutely no idea what you were asking.
I love drama. I make drama. If there is not drama, I will find it and bring it. ahahahaha!
Why? I know why! Because you're a vixen! How can you possibly AVOID drama, being a bombshell? If you were sweet-spirited, your life might have been a little more temperate.
So Jon, by "sweet-spirited" do you mean ugly? Kind of like "She has such a sweet spirit, but..." Or do you mean sweet and spiritual? Or sweet and spirited? Cuz I think I fit the last definition perfectly. Hmmmm....?
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