
25 September 2005


Disagree with me if you must, but I must say it; under no circumstances should you bring lingerie to a bridal shower. Lingerie is for lingerie parties (also called lingerie showers or personal showers) or bachelorette parties. Bridal showers include Southern Grandmamas and Aunties and Cousins and soon to be Mothers-in-law who should not be subjected to the opening of tactless gifts. And no, you are not supposed to be embarrassed at your bridal shower. It's not a requirement. And yes, everyone knows the bride-to-be is going to have sex on her wedding night. That doesn't mean you should wrap up a book called "Sex for Dummies" and make her unwrap it in front of the classy Southern Belle known as her Grandmama. I was mortified. My poor cousin was embarrassed and her classless friends were jubilant. My cousin tried to put the obviously wrapped gifts off to the side, but her friends forced her to open them. Blushing to her toes she said, "I want you to know I'm very embarrassed because I can see my Grandmama's face." Unless you are a very close friend, it is not your responsibility to buy her lingerie. If you feel you must, go out and buy a gift card to Fredericks or Victoria Secret or Nina Beri or La Perla, but please, don't pick up the TRASHIEST article you can find and bring it to an afternoon bridal shower. Or, be a pal and throw her a lingerie party and please spare the rest of us.


Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, I'm glad you feel the same as I do. Give it to your friend alone in some other room if you must give it, not in front of her mom, grandma, favorite old ladies from the ward, sister-in-law, etc.

Anonymous said...

Great blog. Incredible eyes.

Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

amen! i was at a bridal shower once where a scandlous piece of male lingere was given...sick-o...please, just leave that at home.

Anonymous said...

Dang. That ruined my Bridal Shower gift plans from now on.


Anonymous said...

last spring i told my roomates i never wanted a bridal shower. and when they asked why, i said, "i don't want girls in my ward buying me sex clothes".
i wish i could've sited this blog as a source.

Anonymous said...

One time, at my friend's 16th birthday party, we were all there (note the mixed company) and she opened something and immediately screamed and went red because it was a Victoria's secret box. "Maybe I'll open that later." Her girlfriends all howled with laughter and insisted that she open it now. So thoroughly embaressed (as were all of us boys), she gingerly opened the box, but all that was inside was a sweater. Then we all started laughing.

Anonymous said...

I'm not even sure I knew what lingerie was back then. Whenever I passed the sign in the department store, I'd ask my mom and she always said they were "fancy underwear."

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