
01 December 2004

Pandemonium continued...

My day:
I came to work with my whole day planned out in my mind. I knew what order things were going to be done and by what time. The first email I read when I came in today let me know that the system that is the backbone of everything I do during the day was down for maintenance. Basically, this means I can't do anything except answer questions, get yelled at by customers and blog, all day. I've looked at everyone's blogs today. Get blogging people! Some of you haven't blogged in weeks. So anyway, back to my day. The system has been up a grand total of 2 hours out of my 8 hour day. I've answered questions that shouldn't have been asked by agents who should already know, defended policies that I sometimes don't even know if I should and helped keep things under control. There were so many calls today. I am no longer a phone sales agent (as of like 9 months ago), so the stress of call after call is no longer mine. The stress of angry customers, broken computers, systems crashing (but mostly just sucking), sales agents taking unscheduled 30 min breaks when we're really busy, a person from another department trying to "help" me do my job and screwing things up and making customers madder and making more work for me when I have to fix it, and not getting paid any more for my trouble; oh yes, this stress is all mine. I vented to my supervisor for about 15 minutes and then told him I might be back for more in a minute. He just laughed. Does he not realize I'm doing his job too sometimes?


Erika said...

I know the feeling. I work in a call center. This is what you should do: First, comment on my blog. What's the deal? Second, tell Jared Benson it's all his fault and that you hate him but Erika loves him. hee hee hee

Kirsten said...

Leah... here I am commenting on your blog. I know I haven't posted in a LONG time, but expect something over x-mas for sure. Or maybe I'll do it today. ok maybe I'll do it today.

Kirsten said...
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Kirsten said...
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Kirsten said...

I updated my blog

kat said...

one time i was having a bad day at work, so i told my boss he was fired.
i wasn't really mad that i had a bad day, but the next day my boss still showed up... hey man. i fired you.

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