
27 January 2005

the reasons why ya'll suck...

First of all: What's with only blogging once a semester lately? I know ya'll are busy, but seriously people, I'm not busy and I need something to read when I'm not sleeping!

Second: The only people who noticed my haircut are the ones who knew I was getting it cut. So what if I haven't left my apartment in 2 weeks and I always pull my hair back and makeup isn't even an option? I need compliments! Geez, don't you know this?

Other than that, I love ya'll...suckers...


Kirsten said...

Once upon a time eddie neither saw leah often nor had internet at home the results were no complements to leah and few blogs. Though this made leah sad there wasn't much eddie could do to fix the problem. She had been trying to get internet for a month and would finally get in sometime in the middle of feb. Considering we live on a two way street eddie felt she was making the only effort to visit Leah to get and give compliments. BOOOOYAHHHH take that.

Tiff said...

**From one customer service rep to another. ;o)**
Dear Leah,
In regards to your complaint we have received over not enough blogs, our party would like to point out that while there has been incidents of neglect in times past the defendent is making every effort to rectify this situation and if you will visit her blog, you can see the above specified efforts.
Thank you for your concern.
We enjoy hearing from you. Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else smell a hint of double standard in wanting other people to blog yet not venturing out of your apartment? I'll make you a deal, Leah . . .

Leah said...

In my defense, I don't hole up in my apartment completely by choice, I NEED to sleep! Almost the same way I NEED compliments. Granted, I could go sleep in my friends' apartments, but they might start to hate me. This is about necessities people!

Em said...


Ryan said...

Leah, just right before I was about to come to your blog I was going to say: Girl get up and get out of that blastid apartment. Which was going to be followed immediately with: Dang, did you get a new hair cut or somethin?

kat said...

i adore you leah, from the top of your well coiffed head to the bottom of your perfectly pedicured toes.

Erika said...

My excuse is that I was on my way to your apartment last weekend but your mom was there and I'm still walking past her.

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