
18 March 2005

Morning Delights

Today is my day off. Wait, so are Saturday and Sunday! That can't be right, but it is. Hee hee. My life rocks. This morning my sister Big Mama and I went to the local farmers market early. We got there right as the farmers did, so we sat in my car and laughed about our little brother's love life and just chilled. It was cool to walk around all the different tables and see what everybody had to offer. Every kind of vegetable, lots of herbs, baked goods, and even baby goats. We bought tons of fresh veggies. It was such a beautiful morning! The air was really cool and it was slightly overcast so the morning seemed to last forever. After we got our veggies, we went over to a local cafe and ate croissants and chatted. Seriously, it was a perfect morning. I love my sister so much and I'm so glad we have a standing Friday morning breakfast date. It reminded me of when I came home from my mission and she had her first baby. I watched him a few mornings a week so she could work and when she came home, we'd go to this great little place and have brunch together. I've missed her. I've missed the early mornings! Things seem almost idyllic.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

I am sooo happy for you!!! wasn't worth it.

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