
16 March 2005

Susan Tedeschi!!

Ok ya'll, good news. Susan Tedeschi is playing at a music festival here on April 29th. If you don't know who she is, you gotta find out and you HAVE to hear this woman sing. I'm DEFINITELY going and since school will be out, I'm extending an open invite for any and all of my friends who want to take a road trip down here to see me to come with me. It's an all day thing. 2 days actually, but I'm probably just going to the first day (Friday). I'm really excited about it. Come on ya'll, it's a 9 hour drive (9.5 or 10 if you're law abiding) and if enough of you come, the time will pass quickly and then we can hang out and hear TEDESCHI! Then we can go do whatever you want all weekend (like get tan, it's really warm). You can even stay longer if you want. I was just so excited I had to let you all know and invite you. Ok, I'm gonna go now. I'm so antsy about this... Yay!

p.s. You can download 3 of her songs free from 2 are my very favorite: "just won't burn" and "it hurts so bad."


Nama said...

Oh gee golly gosh. I would just LOVE to go, but uh, I'll kind of be in Italy. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Em said...

your mom's 32nd roll from the right will be in italy... eating all the spaghetti before you even get there...

i, unfortunately, do have school this summer... but i'll see what i can do...

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