
16 April 2005

Following Em...

So, I was checking Em's blog today to see if there was anything new and there wasn't so I was sad. (As well I should be.) I decided to hit "Next Blog" and see what's out there and I found a boring blog by an Arab guy. So I hit "Next Blog" and I found a boring blog by an Arab guy. So I hit "Next Blog" and I found a boring blog by an Arab guy. Coincidence? It's like she's a magnet for boring Arab men. Don't get me wrong, I happen to love, love, love, Arab men, (ask Nama), these three just happened to be excruciatingly boring. Just thought I'd share. Crap, do people say that about my blog when they run across it? Shoot.


Em said...

I'm willing to be closely followed by boring Arab guys as long as they are following me with their checkbooks and paying for me as I go. And maying telling me how pretty I am too.

Nama said...

Arab guys ARE hot!!! Too bad their blogs are boring.

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