
04 June 2005

Has Anyone Seen My Twin?

This blog is a plea to get Chris Bailey to start blogging again.
Um... Hello?
I need updates!
I need to laugh, cry, pee my pants, and be inspired.
Come back!!!
You are the Luke to my Leia.
You are my guerrilla-style-water-gun-fight partner in crime.
Remember that time when we went costume shopping?
Remember the Nickelcade?
Bad crushes?
The Bad-Ness?
The Nap-Overs and the Hobo Campout?
Dr. Mario?
Dirty feet?
1 hour hair-cuts?
The "Lunch Lady" song?
Remember the time you almost killed me on a wave runner at Bear Lake?
Remember how we used to laugh at everyone?
Remember how we are the most attractive people we know?
How's your loaf?
Where did you go?

Okay friends, post all your favorite memories of G.C. Bailey and when you see him, HECKLE him. We gotta get that boy blogging!


Jena said...

I remember a few weeks after fall started, people had moved out and Chris had moved to 39. A few of us were in 39 chatting and suddenly Chris stopped, leaped out of the open kitchen window and hugged visiting Kat. He pulled away and said, "You're GORGEOUS." Cutest thing I ever saw.

Ann-Marie said...

I remember when Chris and I became roommates-in-law when Buck and Caroline got married!

We're like family!!

Jon said...

The last time I saw Chris, he was in the ARMS OF HIS FIANCE!!!!!

Congrats Chris and Rachel.

Tiff said...

I just remember him and Erika running through the poles in DC - slalom style. :)

Erika said...

Hold up. Jon are you serious? Is anyone going to read this comment because there's another post above it? ???

talkingdonkey said...

Yes I afraid it's true. Chris and Rachel sittin' in a tree K-I-S-S- ah you get the gist of it.

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