
13 January 2008

Listen up, Yo.

Hey ya'll.

So... many of you know how I feel about the importance of getting out to vote. Seriously. It's REALLY REALLY important. I'm non-partisan and try to be very objective and look at each issue individually. I won't go into my personal views here as I don't think it's necessary right now. How and why you vote is your business and I will leave you to it. My point is, DO IT. I got my hands on some statistics today that I really want to share with you. They have to do with who is voting, by age. I'm assuming that most of my readers are relatively close to me in age (25-35). So I'm addressing this information to you.

This is who is actually voting, broken down by age:

35.5% are 55+
21.3% are 45-54
19.5% are 35-44
14.5% are 25-34
9.3% are 18-24

Why does my age bracket only represent 14.5% of voters? Come on people. This is shameful. I have had amazing philosophical and political conversations with many of my friends who fall in my same age bracket. Many of you have ideas that are amazing and inspired and that can literally change the world. This said, we must get out and vote. Apathy is not okay. Even if you don't spend weeks and months studying the candidates, take an hour or two and look at the issues. Decide where you stand. Don't let anyone else decide for you. One of my favorite quotes says, "Loyalty to petrified opinion never broke a chain or freed a human soul." Mark Twain. Put a little bit of effort into this. Younger voters are turning out in record numbers to the primaries... lets keep the momentum going all the way to the election.

Here are some voting links. Get registered, get informed, get to the polls.

Rock the Vote
USAY Foundation
Project Vote Smart Voting Information
Declare Yourself
Voto Latino


Tiff said...

So, while this is not related I do have some comments.

1- I love you

2- I want to see that dream interpretation book

3- I think you're great and I miss you. Are you ever coming to UT again...when I'll be here?

4- Love you! :D

Kirsten said...

of course i will vote!!! DUH!!! I just barley qualify for the age bracket you put in bold.

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