
29 July 2005

Toxic combo

Insomnia and Chronic Fatigue don't mix.

And you can only play with Photo Shop for so long in the middle of the night...

And there's nothing to watch at 3:00am when you don't have cable...

And you can only watch Tomb Raider so many times in a month...

And it gets hard to read when you're tired, even if you can't sleep...

And you can only post so many blogs in a night before your friends believe that you've really lost it and plan an intervention.

That is all.


Kirsten said...

that really really sux, I am sorry honey!

Tiff said...

I've never watched Tomb Raider, but I've always kind of enjoyed M*A*S*H*.
I actually enjoy being up late at night when everyone else is asleep, except when I feel an obligation for things the next day. I'm not as big of fan being around lots of people late at night. I like my peace when I first get up and when I first go to sleep.

kat said...

"i like to use this nice little over-the-counter pill.
it's called "ultra-dorm".
don't take the whole thing, just half, and you'll wake up with out even the slightest hint of a buzz."

seriously though, excedrin pm.
i hate insomnia.

Leah said...

Kat, I love Parker Posey and that quote made me so happy! But truly, I'm afraid I'd sleep for like 4 days if I took a pill.

Nama said...

speaking of parker, instead of watching "tomb raider", put in "best in show"! favorite parker posey movie EVER!

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