I got fired today.
From my job that I enjoyed.
There was no explanation.
No provocation.
Just "We are terminating your employment with us. Effective immediately."
It sucks.
I'm surprisingly calm and not worried... yet.
Maybe the yarn store is hiring after all...
Sorry about the sucky situation. They were probably just intimidated by your stunning good looks.
oooooh that makes me SOOO angry!!!!!!!!!!!! they wont even tell you why. AHHHHHH
i'm sorry, nessa. you can move to houston and be my life/hair/fashion coach? and i'll pay you yummy home cooked meals? yes??
That "no explanation" thing would really disturb me. I hope the job hunt isn't very painful! Best wishes!
Oh Leah, I'm sorry. I know how much you liked that job!
Here's hoping your luck changes soon!
p.s. my word verification is "chess" which (1) is an actual word-first time that's every happened and (2) maybe it's a clue! like maybe you need to work in a chess game making shop, or design chess boards, or become a chess playing champion-just a few ideas!
Can they actually do that, fire you without explaining why? I'm quite sure that they have to actually give you a reason or its unfair dismissal and you can sue.
Either way, I'm sorry to hear that. Something better will come along soon.
aw man, sorry to hear it. you'll land on your feet, though. i hear there's really nice yarn store in salt lake accepting applications...
bummer! good luck. I'm so sorry.
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