
17 February 2005

Peace out suckers...

As a lot of you know, I'm moving home. Soon, really soon. On Tuesday the 22 to be exact. In fact, I just kept moving it up until I found myself packing and quitting my job. Yes, I'm sad. Yes, I'll miss my very dear friends and maybe even the crazy cultural inbreeding of Provo just a little bit. But I'm also very excited to be moving on with my life. I need to take this time to focus on me and I really need my family. As loving and supportive as ya'll have been, my family understands my illness really well and I need that right now. I promise to keep blogging and to keep in touch. After all, I did resolve to keep in touch with my friends this year. I also made that resolution knowing that I would be leaving sooner than later. Keep blogging and keep in touch.


kat said...


Nama said...

awwwww...i miss you lots and more staying up til 5am watching "Pride and Prejudice" sad...*tear*

Ryan said...

NOOOOO! I'll be sad not to see you smilin' and talkin trash. But most important = Have fun.

Tiff said...

Miss you already!

Nama said...

i WAS starting to miss you, but you haven't left yet...i bet you decided to AROUND my mom on your way down to Arizona...DETOUR DETOUR!!! you won't be home for months now...(did i just insult my own mom...sweet!)

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